This cake buffet is made entirely of bobbin lace. It's not in miniature, it is full size.
Many visitors to the various exhibitions were very disappointed when, coming closer, it turned out that this buffet consisted of yarn and was not eatable!
Because in 1998 the LOKK (National Association of Lace Art) was to celebrate its 25th anniversary, we were asked to come up with something beautiful and grand.
Then, in 1996, I came up with this buffet. With a lot of enthousiasm I made the patterns, selected the yarn, did experiments and made one or more versions of each pattern.
But lace making takes a lot of time and so I was glad that, under my guidance, a number of people were willing to help making the cakes. And so, in August 1998, this buffet was exhibited for the first time in Gent (Belgium) during the international conference of the OIDFA. It was a big success!

A chocolate cake and a kiwi fruit cake

Various pastries.

A cake with whipped cream and a cherry cake.

A delicious piece of cake.

Whipped cream cake and bonbons

These are chocolate cookies with a tasty filling and beautiful decoration.

Mocca cake and chocolates

After this exhibition, more followed throughout Europe. My list of exhibitions below is not complete.
The buffet was also on show in Bailleuil (France) and Spain.
The media also paid attention to this buffet. In the first picture I am in the Dutch talkshow Kopspijkers, a very thrilling experience.
The second photo is from a large article in the Telegraph (Dutch largest newspaper).
On the third photo, a team from RTL-4 came to our home. There we showed you how to make lace chocolates.

During the 25th anniversary of the LOKK, the book "Kant met een zilveren randje" was published. Of course there were pictures of
The Cake Buffet in the book. Unfortunately, my name as the inventor and designer of this buffet has been deliberately omitted by the chairwoman in this article. This resulted in my break from the lace world.

Publikaties over dit taartenbuffet:
Kantkwartaal nov 1996
Handwerken zonder grenzen nr 5 1998
Lace express nr 4 1998
Kantbrief oktober 1998
OIDFA bulletin nr 4 1998
Dagblad de Telegraaf 21 januari1999
Kniplebrevet nr 57 augustus 1999
Canadian Lacemaker Gazette winter 1999
Kant juli 2000
T.V. opnames:
5 - mei 2000 Duitsland
4 jan 2002 Maximaand, RTL-4
6 april 2002 Kopspijkers, Ned-3
Exposities met dit buffet:
OIDFA congress - Gent aug 1998
Kantmarkt - Maarn nov 1998
Nederlands Centrum voor Handwerken - Breda jan-maart 1999
Hobby en Art Salon in Mechelen (België) 14-19 september
30-31 oktober 1999 tijdens het Slagelse kantfestival in Denemarken
Tijdens het textielfestival 14 - 19 maart in Zwolle
28 - 30 april 2000, congres van het "Deutsche Klöppelverband" in Hindelang, Duitsland
Van 1 juni - 30 september in het Kantcentrum in Brugge
Van half oktober tot 7 januari 2001 in het Schoutenhuis in Huizen
Van 10 jan tot 6 maart 2001 in de Weezenlanden in Zwolle
20 - 22 juli 2001 Bailleul, Frankrijk
26 februari - 2 juni 2002 in het Gemeentemuseum in Helmond